The Power of Healing with Crystals
Ashley Abbott,
@sacredfem, is a spiritual guide assisting people through their journey with healing crystals. Join us as we learn how she helps people awaken how they feel with
intentionally curated crystals and deep ritual.
Hi Ashley! We love that your creativity and spirituality spans into so many cool projects. Tell us more about who you are and what you do!
Thank you! I feel like my spirituality and creativity is deeply connected, so thank you for seeing that! I like to think of myself as a crystal shepherdess, someone that guides people to their crystals. This has been something I’ve been doing for 10 years now, but recently this practice has expanded. I focus of intentionally selected crystals, that are really chosen for how awakened they feel, and how ready they are to work with their keepers. I also offer Akashic Records sessions, which is an exploration of the soul, an uncovering of your soul’s path. During these sessions we look at the span of one’s life and lifetimes through the lens of the soul and answer any questions one may have about what is coming up in their life. I also just created a line of Ritual Candles to pair with meditation. They are held in shell vessels, so everything is sustainable. And I model too!
We heard you are opening up a Crystal Shop. Tell us more!
Yes! After years of mainly offering crystals online only, I have finally found a showroom space so people can come see the crystals in person. Their is something so special in feeling the crystals in person. We have already soft launched the space, but will be hosting classes and workshops there in February 2023.
Looking back at 2022, what do you feel were the major spiritual themes collectively?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, and over the past few months it’s definitely felt more contracted collectively - like their is a closing in, and maybe even a collective fear or worry about the future. But this really means it’s a time for us to turn inward and get prepared for the future. This is a time of planting seeds, taking care of ourselves and focusing on the life we wish to create. I’d say right now is a time to take small steps towards big and beautiful changes.
What self care practices do you love to stay grounded?
I have a fairly deep tea meditation practice that helps me stay grounded. There is something in the slowness and meditative movements that helps me get into my body and release any tension. And of course, the tea is of the earth and has such a grounded essence to it. I also love epsom salt baths because it’s also so energetically cleansing.
Rigid Dad Jean in Ecru
What is one thing you wish people knew more about working with crystals?
That it’s a nonlinear process. Sometimes people think crystals will come into their life and heal all their issues and solve all their problems. They are much more empowering then that. They would much rather support you in healing yourself and solving your own problems, and maybe even inspire you to see your problems are not problems at all, but rather invitations into different perspective.
What Crystals do you think will be supportive going into the New Year?
I’ve been feeling really called to Rose Quartz lately, as well as Mangano Calcite. Both are stones that are really nourishing but in different ways and I think they will be so helpful for dealing with any of our wounds, fears, and stresses next year. Rose Quartz helps us feel less alone - and helps us realize we have support and we don’t need to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. That there is community, and community is worth nurturing. And Mangano Calcite is so helpful in offering ourselves grace, compassion and forgiveness. It’s a stone that helps us release pain and soften into our own becoming, which I love.
What is your favorite way to style denim?
I love the versatility of Just Black Denim. I love the ease in it all. Usually I’ll pair some denim pants with a simple tee and then maybe an oversized button up on top. But it’s been so cold lately that I’ve been reaching for my turtlenecks and putting on a boot. Add in a nice coat and some earrings and I’m good to go! Denim is so easy to play with, which I love!