Mama Diaries: Leah Patricia Bradley

Mother’s Day might have passed, but we love to honor mama’s everyday. Meet our mama muse and California dream babe Leah Patricia Bradley. Leah is a mother of two, co-founder of sustainable swimwear brand Bambino, and interior designer at California Abode. Get to know her through our Q/A session below.


First of all, how’s quarantine going with two little ones?

We are so thankful we have a yard with a garden and lots of fruit trees so we’ve been able to spend a lot of time outside still. We miss our friends but it’ll make it that much sweeter when we are reunited.

Is there a story behind your kids’ names? Zipporah & Velzy are two of the most unique ones we’ve ever heard

Zipporah was a name we always loved so when we found it we were having a girl we knew it was meant to be. Velzy is named after Dale Velzy who was a famous surfboard shaper from the 50s here in California. And then we chose Ray and Sol for the middle names because they truly are our little sunshines!


You’re launching a swimwear brand- what can you tell us about that?

One of my best friends was sitting with me on the beach one day watching our kids play in the ocean and we started talking about how it’s so hard to find cute swimwear made locally here in California for kids. So we looked at each other and said let’s make some! We both have experience in the fashion and more specifically swim industry so it’s been such a wonderful process and so fun for us. We are excited to release our first collection so soon that will include swim for the kids and sun essentials for everyone made from sustainable fabrics here in California!


How does your family usually celebrate Mother’s Day? Any traditions?

Honestly, my best day involves being at the beach, eating good food, and surfing with the kids so I think this weekend will include all of that!


What’s your favorite style of jean right now?

High waisted with a worn-in feel - love when they fit like a good pair of vintage jeans!


What advice would you give a fellow artist or small business owner who is considering motherhood?

There’s never the “perfect” time to start a family and there will always be things that come up that throw your plans off but I can’t even remember what I did for fun before kids because now they are literally the best thing ever and make life so much sweeter! I’d definitely suggest having help arranged for when you do have work. I set aside certain days for work and then other days for focusing on just the kids and this has worked out great for my family.


May 20, 2021
Tags: Interviews